Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Girl talk!

It's so fun being able to dress up and get ready. I remember playing dress up as a little girl, thinking how I couldn't wait to grow up and do it daily and with real skill. Now that I'm all grown, I realize as much as I enjoy it, it doesn't make me anymore of a woman.

It's important for us to take time out of our crazy lives to spend on ourselves, to me that's my dress up time. Putting on make up, curling my hair, even bubble baths and nail polish. All these thing are precious to me but they don't define me. I don't believe they empower me any, but that the time that I take on myself is actually what lifts me up. It keeps me balanced. When we forget about ourselves we loose track of everything. Giving our selves attention both physically and spiritually is very important. I try to mix the two, when I get dressed I put on my Christian music and sing along. It reminds me that I'm made in Gods image. That I am perfect regardless of what I have on and that's what empowers me.

1 peter 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

When we look good its often because of how we feel inside. We are loved, cherished, needed but mostly because of how we feel about our self and how we see ourselves. Those feeling reflect on our outward appearance. There's no sense in getting all dolled up with a bad attitude or self loathing. No matter how pretty on the outside, no one will want to be around you. I know this from experience. Like the verse above says we should have a gentle and quiet spirit. That should also be towards ourselves. Yet a lot of the times we tend to judge ourself the hardest. Don't let your mind be your worst enemy, see your self through God's loving eyes. Feel good about being you. Curl your hair and blush your cheeks but know that your beauty comes from with in, its something God painted on your soul. No amount of make up or brand of clothes, no stresses in life or circumstances, should hide your inner beauty. Balance yourself out, give yourself time to shine. Whatever you enjoy, do it, smile, be gentle and kind. Show the love you have inside and have fun doing! Keep growing and bettering your inner self, it will show all over you.

Next time you put on your high heels know that they are not what empower us but they do keep pushing us forward. ;)

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