Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fish Tail Side Braid!

My first ever request! So a dear friend of mine asked me to do a tutorial on fish tail braid. 
They look hard to do but it's actually pretty easy. If you can do a regular braid, you can do a fish tail. So the way I'm going to show you is a side ways fish tail. Its easiest and your not going to have to guess what your doing behind your head. It's a really cute look for summer! Plus once you learn the braid you can always style it other ways. I really hope you can understand my explanation. 

Line 1: Getting started...
- Comb your already strait hair to one side, leave a part if you'd like. 
- I have layers so I choose to clip back the front bangs
- Tie a hair band around your hair. Make sure it's not to tight, just enough to hold your hair together. 
- Part your pony into 2 equal parts

Line 2: The tricky part...
- The 2 parts you have in each hand, with your pointer finger separate 1/3 of your hair on each side.
- Switch the hair that is parted over your pointer fingers, one, then the other and pull tight. 
  You should have 2 strands again. 
- Again part the 1/3 section on each side and cross them over, each to the other side. 

Line 3: Finishing up
- Follow line 2 till it gets to thin to braid
- Should look like this... (Blooper pic my husband took! Lol!)
- Tie a hair tie at the end of your braid. I like to use transparent ones, just looks better in my opinion.
- Slowly pull the top hair tie down over the braid

Line 4: One last thing... Done! 
- After hair tie is pulled down, should look like this..
- Going back to the end, pull down the hair tie, away from the braid. 
- Pull on the braid to loosening it, this will take up the slack at the bottom. 
- All done, looking good! ;) 

Hope you were able to learn the fish tail braid.. Don't forget to share this and Pin It! 
God bless! ❤

Here is a Line 2 close up. :) 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The new way to do a side pony...

 I say this on Eva Longoria and loved it! It super easy, you don't have to see an ugly hair tie and it looks sexy too. Its good for those hot summer evenings, when going to a special event. It keeps your hair down with out it being on your back. Also I think it's super elegant. So here it goes... 

Step 1: curl all your hair
Step 2: brush out the curls 
Step 3: brush all your hair to one side
Step 4: slip the top portion of your hair on a far side split
 ( whatever side is more natural or best for your outfit)
Step 5: use a hair tie and make a low, loose pony
Step 6: comb the rest of your hair back over 
Step 7: mess with it a little making sure to cover the pony and spray it in place 
Step 8: check the back- should look loose and shouldn't see the pony from the back either
Step 9: your done.. Looking good! ;) 

Again super easy and something different! 
Happy curling and God bless! ❤

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Some good ol' motivation! ;)

Well I have already told y'all that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.. Slow metabolism. That's why it's so had for me to loose weight and so easy for me to gain it. Recently I've been gaining weight and despite my efforts in the gym I have not seen many results. Now I know I can always try harder. The doctor would say its because I'm not taking my medication... Whatever the reason, I'm not giving up. I have this one body that's it! God gave me one body and I have to make it last a lifetime. I just turned 27 and I'm kind of freaking out about it because I always though I would be in the best shape of my life at this age and I'm not. But I guess whatever my age, I need to stay on it. I have so much ahead of me, a husband to care for and someday children too, my life has only just begun.

Obviously we all know how hard it is to stay motivated in this fast food word, but I've been looking at blogs and pictures that have been helping me to remember my goals. And one that I came across really stood out. Not because it was some cut, lean model but because it was an older lady. In this picture I see struggle, determination, commitment, strength, self love and wisdom. All the qualities it takes to push myself everyday to make an effort on bettering my fitness and health. I'm so far from where I envision myself, but I will only get there one day at a time. Sometimes we need little reminders that impact us to get us from day to day. So I thought I would share this one with you all. I have no idea where the picture is from but I just thought it was super cute and loved everything about it. Life is so great and part of enjoying it is not letting your health bring you down. Fast forward 20-40 years from now, how do you see yourself? I know I see myself looking good, feeling good and healthy. So I will keep working towards that, after all, time flies when your having fun and I intend to do just that.

God bless and strengthen you. ❤

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Skin care tips for the summer.

Ok I know we all want that summer glow, but lets not forget to make it a healthy glow. While there is speculation of the sun causing skin cancer, I don't believe it's a good enough reason for me to stay out of the sun, although it is a great reason to be more careful. I think of how things were back in biblical time and how everyone lived in the sun, I don't believe Gods intention of the sun was to harm us. In fact our body is strengthened in the sun, it causes us to produce vitamin D which is a vitamin that helps us absorb and metabolize other vitamins and minerals. It also help us fight cancer and other diseases. So it's over all healthy to be in the sun. Unfortunately for us there has been quite a bit of pollution since Moses and that is what I believe has made the rays harmful to us. Our atmosphere is not what it once was. But anyway back to skin care...

There are lots of ways to protect you self from the sun, for me staying out of it is not an option. I love being outside. But the sun can cause dryness in the skin, sun spots and premature aging. That's why I emphasize on a healthy glow. So here are a few tips I know and have come up with to help you enjoy your summer and help out your skin while doing it.

1. Obviously, wear SPF on your face - All sunblocks give you about 80 minutes of protection. The SPF number is the protectant number the higher it is the less it allows the sun in. I think unless its a baby or you have a sun allergy 100 SPF is a bit overboard. You still want the sun to penetrate and allow your body to produce that vitamin D.

2. Wear sun glasses - sunglasses help block the sun from your eyes, so your not squinting. They also help protect that very sensitive tissue around them, so all around preventing crows feet. Wear them!

3. Wear a hat - hats help cover your scalp, forehead and shade the majority to your face. The more shade on your face the longer you remain looking young. Very helpful!

4. When tanning out side still wear SPF - before you shower yourself in tanning oil use SPF as a base especially on your face, neck, décolleté, shoulder, hands, feet and knees. All these areas are know to give away ones age.. Letting it get premature aging or sun damage would be unflattering to yourself.

5. Protect your feet - not only will you get unsightly sandal tan but when you are tanning on your stomach, the bottoms of your feet are exposed to sunlight and are usually not protected. Yes they can get sunburned and Im telling you from experience, walking on sunburned feet is no fun at all. Put a towel over them or put your sandals back on at that point.

6. Don't forget your about your hair - while its sexy to have your hair down at the beach and pool the wind, sand and chlorine do take a toll on it, it's good to always have a smoothing oil, leave in conditioner or detangling spray handy to lessen the blow.

7. Stay hydrated - most of the time you have so much lotion and oil on you don't realize how much you actually sweat while out in the sun, even if your just tanning. Keeping you body hydrated keeps your skin healthy and young.

8. Limit yourself - if your light skinned like me your probably not going to go from pasty to brazil in one day. You'll most likely end up like a lobster. Take in the sun in moderation. Just like when using tanning beds start off with just a little and work your way up. 15 minutes each side, then 20 and so on..

9. Moisturize - when exercising a tanning routine it important to have a moisturizing regiment. You will never get a healthy glow if its all heat, you need to put back into your skin.

10. Take your vitamins - it's important to understand that a tan although it looks great takes a toll on your skin. Your skin is the largest origin of the body and also the last to get nutrients. A tan in not color magic, your skin is actually protecting itself from the sun. Doing this takes energy and our bodies energy comes from our nutrition.. Don't a can of red bull. ;)

Well I hope this will help you be a little more aware of your skins health, as you start your summer routine.
I know these have all helped me.

Have fun in the sun, God bless and Glow on! ☀

Friday, May 3, 2013

Enjoy the ride!

Life is full of curves, ups, downs and loops. While sometimes it's scary not knowing what's next, it's important to not stress it. You never know what is coming, so don't bother worrying about it or trying to plan to much ahead. After all as the saying goes, we plan and God laughs.

Just like a ride all the twists and turns, keep us on the edge of our seats. Life is easiest when we find the excitement in this, rather then if we tense up always expecting the worst. When things are bad for me, I thank God, I might cry but I also laugh. I know God has allowed whatever is happening in my life to happen for a reason and that reason is good. (Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.) I know in this season He has planned for me to learn something new. So yes, I laugh, I know God will pull me through. The sooner I learn the lesson the sooner I will be out. If I was fearful, anxious, worried or hateful then my emotions would be to busy to see what it is God is showing me. I would be stuck in the season longer then what He had planned for me to be. Sometimes that happens to us because we are not listening to God but to our mind and emotions instead. (Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.) if we are to busy fearing we are not acknowledging His presence in our circumstance. So He can not guide us in the right direction or show us the exit to our circumstance. We end up stuck. When you realize that all God wants is your trust, life becomes a lot easier. No matter the situation, trust in Him and you will soon see it pass. Know with all your heart that God loves you. What you are going through is not a reflection of His love for you but a time for you to reflect your faith in Him. Never doubt in His way of working, it's to complex for our minds to comprehend but it is always for our good and for His glory. So with that being said, I will finish with this... (Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.) Be attentive to the voice of God and have faith. He loves you and He wants you to be prosperous. So fear not and enjoy the ride!

Don't stress, God bless! ❤

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog viewers, I thank you! ❤

I'm so excited to announce that in less then 2 months time the blog has reached over 1,000 views.
I am so thankful to those of you who follow, read it and share it with your friends.
When God put this blog in my heart, it took me almost a year to take action. I was questioning whether or not it would even have views, so 1,000 views is great. I know God has a purpose here and it's just the beginning. So I just thank the Lord for giving me peace and confirmation about the blog. I do enjoy doing this for His glory and for all of you that follow. It's been fun so far and I know it will only get better from here. Thank you again for following, keep sharing it with your friend and loved ones. Everything on this blog is to lift you up in some way, to make life a little less stressful and to just have fun because we can!

Thank you Lord for your promises.
God please bless each one of the readers,
Let their days be full of joy and their hearts be filled with love,
Let each blog I post come across in your wisdom and light.
That those who read it will be lifted up and touched by your great love,
And let all that I do be for your glory!
In Jesus Holy name, Amen! :)

Thank you all for reading, I do hope to keep you entertained and always coming back! ❤