Monday, March 11, 2013

We Walk on Water!

"Take courage it is I. Don't be afraid" Jesus spoke these words, as he walked on water approaching the boat. The men where so scared but Peter said "Lord if its you, tell me to come to you on the water." Jesus said "come". Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, we became afraid and started to sink "Lord, save me". Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Then he said " You of little faith, why do you doubt me?

Matthew 14:22-31, this is a lot like our own life. We see and know the Lords power and we ask him to move in our lives, so he does. By doing this we take a step of faith. We get out of the boat and walk on water so to speak. While we take our first few step we are looking at The Lord, all our concentration is on him.
Now I imagine this was not a shallow lake, seeing as how they were fishing with large nets. So imagine with me for a second all that is under the waters surface. Imagine the crashing waves against the rocks. The plants and creatures moving in the darkness. Now on top of that imagine winds blowing, the boat is rocking and your walking on water in the middle of all this with only the moon light to guide you. All these distractions are things in our life, the dangers, the risks, the annoyances, the fears, the sickness, all the obstacles that's surround us daily. And as Peter took his eyes of Jesus, so do we take our eyes of The Lord. We start to focus on all these things that surround us in life and these things begging to take over our focus. We begin to drown. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever felt like your drowning in yours circumstances, I know I have because we do just as Peter did that night. He lost sight of Jesus and started to focus on his surroundings. By doing this we give our circumstances more importance then your God. We try to save our self but end up sinking and calling out to him anyway. So why even loose sight of him in the first place? Keep your focus on God, lets save ourselves the struggle and keep walking on water towards him. The miracle is that we walk above our circumstances because our God is above our circumstances! We need only keep our eyes on him and everything else will fade away. Keeping your eyes on God, gives God the control and lets him know you trust in him to deal with all the details. All we have to do is simply focus on him, have faith, keep walking on water and keep moving forward.

I hope this has been a blessing to you and I thank God for this revaluation in my own life and that I get to share it. God bless you! ❤

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