Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fish Tail Side Braid!

My first ever request! So a dear friend of mine asked me to do a tutorial on fish tail braid. 
They look hard to do but it's actually pretty easy. If you can do a regular braid, you can do a fish tail. So the way I'm going to show you is a side ways fish tail. Its easiest and your not going to have to guess what your doing behind your head. It's a really cute look for summer! Plus once you learn the braid you can always style it other ways. I really hope you can understand my explanation. 

Line 1: Getting started...
- Comb your already strait hair to one side, leave a part if you'd like. 
- I have layers so I choose to clip back the front bangs
- Tie a hair band around your hair. Make sure it's not to tight, just enough to hold your hair together. 
- Part your pony into 2 equal parts

Line 2: The tricky part...
- The 2 parts you have in each hand, with your pointer finger separate 1/3 of your hair on each side.
- Switch the hair that is parted over your pointer fingers, one, then the other and pull tight. 
  You should have 2 strands again. 
- Again part the 1/3 section on each side and cross them over, each to the other side. 

Line 3: Finishing up
- Follow line 2 till it gets to thin to braid
- Should look like this... (Blooper pic my husband took! Lol!)
- Tie a hair tie at the end of your braid. I like to use transparent ones, just looks better in my opinion.
- Slowly pull the top hair tie down over the braid

Line 4: One last thing... Done! 
- After hair tie is pulled down, should look like this..
- Going back to the end, pull down the hair tie, away from the braid. 
- Pull on the braid to loosening it, this will take up the slack at the bottom. 
- All done, looking good! ;) 

Hope you were able to learn the fish tail braid.. Don't forget to share this and Pin It! 
God bless! ❤

Here is a Line 2 close up. :) 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The new way to do a side pony...

 I say this on Eva Longoria and loved it! It super easy, you don't have to see an ugly hair tie and it looks sexy too. Its good for those hot summer evenings, when going to a special event. It keeps your hair down with out it being on your back. Also I think it's super elegant. So here it goes... 

Step 1: curl all your hair
Step 2: brush out the curls 
Step 3: brush all your hair to one side
Step 4: slip the top portion of your hair on a far side split
 ( whatever side is more natural or best for your outfit)
Step 5: use a hair tie and make a low, loose pony
Step 6: comb the rest of your hair back over 
Step 7: mess with it a little making sure to cover the pony and spray it in place 
Step 8: check the back- should look loose and shouldn't see the pony from the back either
Step 9: your done.. Looking good! ;) 

Again super easy and something different! 
Happy curling and God bless! ❤

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Some good ol' motivation! ;)

Well I have already told y'all that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.. Slow metabolism. That's why it's so had for me to loose weight and so easy for me to gain it. Recently I've been gaining weight and despite my efforts in the gym I have not seen many results. Now I know I can always try harder. The doctor would say its because I'm not taking my medication... Whatever the reason, I'm not giving up. I have this one body that's it! God gave me one body and I have to make it last a lifetime. I just turned 27 and I'm kind of freaking out about it because I always though I would be in the best shape of my life at this age and I'm not. But I guess whatever my age, I need to stay on it. I have so much ahead of me, a husband to care for and someday children too, my life has only just begun.

Obviously we all know how hard it is to stay motivated in this fast food word, but I've been looking at blogs and pictures that have been helping me to remember my goals. And one that I came across really stood out. Not because it was some cut, lean model but because it was an older lady. In this picture I see struggle, determination, commitment, strength, self love and wisdom. All the qualities it takes to push myself everyday to make an effort on bettering my fitness and health. I'm so far from where I envision myself, but I will only get there one day at a time. Sometimes we need little reminders that impact us to get us from day to day. So I thought I would share this one with you all. I have no idea where the picture is from but I just thought it was super cute and loved everything about it. Life is so great and part of enjoying it is not letting your health bring you down. Fast forward 20-40 years from now, how do you see yourself? I know I see myself looking good, feeling good and healthy. So I will keep working towards that, after all, time flies when your having fun and I intend to do just that.

God bless and strengthen you. ❤

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Skin care tips for the summer.

Ok I know we all want that summer glow, but lets not forget to make it a healthy glow. While there is speculation of the sun causing skin cancer, I don't believe it's a good enough reason for me to stay out of the sun, although it is a great reason to be more careful. I think of how things were back in biblical time and how everyone lived in the sun, I don't believe Gods intention of the sun was to harm us. In fact our body is strengthened in the sun, it causes us to produce vitamin D which is a vitamin that helps us absorb and metabolize other vitamins and minerals. It also help us fight cancer and other diseases. So it's over all healthy to be in the sun. Unfortunately for us there has been quite a bit of pollution since Moses and that is what I believe has made the rays harmful to us. Our atmosphere is not what it once was. But anyway back to skin care...

There are lots of ways to protect you self from the sun, for me staying out of it is not an option. I love being outside. But the sun can cause dryness in the skin, sun spots and premature aging. That's why I emphasize on a healthy glow. So here are a few tips I know and have come up with to help you enjoy your summer and help out your skin while doing it.

1. Obviously, wear SPF on your face - All sunblocks give you about 80 minutes of protection. The SPF number is the protectant number the higher it is the less it allows the sun in. I think unless its a baby or you have a sun allergy 100 SPF is a bit overboard. You still want the sun to penetrate and allow your body to produce that vitamin D.

2. Wear sun glasses - sunglasses help block the sun from your eyes, so your not squinting. They also help protect that very sensitive tissue around them, so all around preventing crows feet. Wear them!

3. Wear a hat - hats help cover your scalp, forehead and shade the majority to your face. The more shade on your face the longer you remain looking young. Very helpful!

4. When tanning out side still wear SPF - before you shower yourself in tanning oil use SPF as a base especially on your face, neck, décolleté, shoulder, hands, feet and knees. All these areas are know to give away ones age.. Letting it get premature aging or sun damage would be unflattering to yourself.

5. Protect your feet - not only will you get unsightly sandal tan but when you are tanning on your stomach, the bottoms of your feet are exposed to sunlight and are usually not protected. Yes they can get sunburned and Im telling you from experience, walking on sunburned feet is no fun at all. Put a towel over them or put your sandals back on at that point.

6. Don't forget your about your hair - while its sexy to have your hair down at the beach and pool the wind, sand and chlorine do take a toll on it, it's good to always have a smoothing oil, leave in conditioner or detangling spray handy to lessen the blow.

7. Stay hydrated - most of the time you have so much lotion and oil on you don't realize how much you actually sweat while out in the sun, even if your just tanning. Keeping you body hydrated keeps your skin healthy and young.

8. Limit yourself - if your light skinned like me your probably not going to go from pasty to brazil in one day. You'll most likely end up like a lobster. Take in the sun in moderation. Just like when using tanning beds start off with just a little and work your way up. 15 minutes each side, then 20 and so on..

9. Moisturize - when exercising a tanning routine it important to have a moisturizing regiment. You will never get a healthy glow if its all heat, you need to put back into your skin.

10. Take your vitamins - it's important to understand that a tan although it looks great takes a toll on your skin. Your skin is the largest origin of the body and also the last to get nutrients. A tan in not color magic, your skin is actually protecting itself from the sun. Doing this takes energy and our bodies energy comes from our nutrition.. Don't a can of red bull. ;)

Well I hope this will help you be a little more aware of your skins health, as you start your summer routine.
I know these have all helped me.

Have fun in the sun, God bless and Glow on! ☀

Friday, May 3, 2013

Enjoy the ride!

Life is full of curves, ups, downs and loops. While sometimes it's scary not knowing what's next, it's important to not stress it. You never know what is coming, so don't bother worrying about it or trying to plan to much ahead. After all as the saying goes, we plan and God laughs.

Just like a ride all the twists and turns, keep us on the edge of our seats. Life is easiest when we find the excitement in this, rather then if we tense up always expecting the worst. When things are bad for me, I thank God, I might cry but I also laugh. I know God has allowed whatever is happening in my life to happen for a reason and that reason is good. (Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.) I know in this season He has planned for me to learn something new. So yes, I laugh, I know God will pull me through. The sooner I learn the lesson the sooner I will be out. If I was fearful, anxious, worried or hateful then my emotions would be to busy to see what it is God is showing me. I would be stuck in the season longer then what He had planned for me to be. Sometimes that happens to us because we are not listening to God but to our mind and emotions instead. (Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.) if we are to busy fearing we are not acknowledging His presence in our circumstance. So He can not guide us in the right direction or show us the exit to our circumstance. We end up stuck. When you realize that all God wants is your trust, life becomes a lot easier. No matter the situation, trust in Him and you will soon see it pass. Know with all your heart that God loves you. What you are going through is not a reflection of His love for you but a time for you to reflect your faith in Him. Never doubt in His way of working, it's to complex for our minds to comprehend but it is always for our good and for His glory. So with that being said, I will finish with this... (Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.) Be attentive to the voice of God and have faith. He loves you and He wants you to be prosperous. So fear not and enjoy the ride!

Don't stress, God bless! ❤

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog viewers, I thank you! ❤

I'm so excited to announce that in less then 2 months time the blog has reached over 1,000 views.
I am so thankful to those of you who follow, read it and share it with your friends.
When God put this blog in my heart, it took me almost a year to take action. I was questioning whether or not it would even have views, so 1,000 views is great. I know God has a purpose here and it's just the beginning. So I just thank the Lord for giving me peace and confirmation about the blog. I do enjoy doing this for His glory and for all of you that follow. It's been fun so far and I know it will only get better from here. Thank you again for following, keep sharing it with your friend and loved ones. Everything on this blog is to lift you up in some way, to make life a little less stressful and to just have fun because we can!

Thank you Lord for your promises.
God please bless each one of the readers,
Let their days be full of joy and their hearts be filled with love,
Let each blog I post come across in your wisdom and light.
That those who read it will be lifted up and touched by your great love,
And let all that I do be for your glory!
In Jesus Holy name, Amen! :)

Thank you all for reading, I do hope to keep you entertained and always coming back! ❤

Friday, April 26, 2013

Be happy!

Even on your worst of days
be happy.
The Lord loves you
He wants you to live life in abundance,
full of love, joy, peace and hope.
Trust in Him
and let your light glow.
He wants you to shine for Him,
shine so bright for all to see.
Let them see that you are free
God has taken your burdens
He tossed then in the sea.
Let them see God can intercede
for them as well..
If they just believe.
Poem By: Mayra Taylor

Just a short little poem to put a smile on your faces!

Lots of love and God bless! ❤

Going through hell?

Everyone has hardship. Life is full of ups and downs and everyone's struggles are different. You might occasionally meet someone that has been through what your going through but even like that its still never the same. We each have our journey. Sometimes out path takes us through beautiful paradise and sometime it's seems like we're walking straight through the pit of hell. Either way, good times or bad, we should always put our faith first. In our thoughts and conversation, it's important to keep God at the center. Our minds and our tongues have so much power over our emotional and spiritual lives. If we are going through a struggle and let if fester in our thoughts and its constantly coming out of our mouths then it will never change. We keep claiming these things in our lives.
(Proverbs 18:20/ From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.)
If you keep saying your struggles, you will keep living in them. You must feed yourself with godly positivity when you are down.
(Proverbs 12:25/ anxiety weighs down the heart but a good word cheers it up.)
Feed your faith and let that be what comes out of your mouth. Keep praise flowing out, praise Him in the storm, so to speak. When you start to praise God in your struggle, it starts to scare the enemy away. As long as you keep feeling sorry for yourself, he still has domain. When you thank God for everything, the good and the bad, its your way of fighting back. Like throwing punches till you knock him out. Have faith and hope in what you speak and pray for. Claim it over your lives and believe it.
(Mark 11:22/ “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. 23 “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.)
So don't focus on the struggle that's around you but on God that surrounds you. Who works all things for the good of those how love Him. Just keep speak in faith and you'll be out of that hell before you know it.

God bless and keep the faith! ⚓

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Contour and highlights!

Before I show you how I contour and highlight my own face, I made this so you can understand how to contour and highlight according to your face shape. That way you can change it to match your own. There really is not much difference, but you would be amazed what doing it right for your own shape will do.

There are about nine different shapes of the face, however most of them are just variations of the basic 5... oval, square, round, diamond and heart. You can have mixtures of any two and also any variation with long. I didn't make long because it dosent necessarily have a certain shape, just one of these shapes but longer.
Did you know that an oval face is believed to be most pleasing to the eye? The whole point of contoring your face is to make it seem more oval. You are darkening the out most parts of your face to slim it into seeming oval. The hightlights are for making those parts of your face stand out making the darkened contoured parts seem to fade out. Its a well practiced illusion.

This is the easiest way to distinguish in faces shape..

Heart- usually the forehead is the widest part tapering into a narrow chin
Round- the face is as wide as it is long
Square- the forehead, the cheek bones, and the jaw line are all the same width
Diamond- widest at the cheek bones with a narrow chin and forehead
Oval- the face is fairly narrow but longer then it is wide.

Here are some examples of the 5 basic face shapes...

 photo image-4.jpg

So did you find what shape you are? Keeping in mind it can be a little of both. I am a diamond and oval mix but mostly a diamond because my cheek bones are the widest part of my face.
So when I do my make up I do it the diamond way because it comers up the wideness of my cheeks

So here it is find your shape and practice...

 photo image-3.jpg

I hope that I helped you learn something you didn't already know.
Have fun and God bless! ❤

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Heels have names too...

So my great friend saw this and passed it on to me..
The proper names for our high heels!
I know my favorite is platform wedge and platform pump...
What about you?

Be blessed! :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Don't let the mirror lie to you...

Ever look in the mirror and ignore the negative? Try it! It's the best way to stay in love with yourself.. Instead of looking at the bumps and lumps, the this is to big or that is to small's. Look at what's great about you. Your hair, eyes, smile, your great completion, your unique features.. All this and more!

We are supposed to see others through the love of Christ, yes, but more importantly we must see ourselves through His eyes first. When we love ourselves and what God gave us we are freed from our own hurtful thoughts, free from envy. We will be satisfied with what God has given us, not disliking our self or coveting others looks or shape. Enjoy what God gave you. God made you unique, there is no other you in the whole world and all it's history. That is something to feel special about. We are all beautifully made by a wondrous Creator. Let that shine in your smile and confidence. Know that you are second to non when it comes to God. No matter how you are, you were made perfect. When we love ourselves we take better care of ourselves and make all around better choices, better eating habits, working out, feed our minds with more positive things and thoughts. So look at yourself in love and don't let the mirror lie to you anymore. You are so beautiful, tell yourself this, believe it and receive it. It will change your life. ❤

All God's love and blessings!

Hold on to each other...

I thought this was cute.. A quote to live by. :) have a great weekend and spend it with the ones you love. God bless!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sparkle On!

Zachariah 9:16 The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock. They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.

The day we were saved was the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. All the sins of those who believe this, were washed away by His blood and on that day everything changed. I know I for sure I am so thankful to God for sending His son to die for me. I could not imagine how life would be without His sacrifice. I think the whole world would be different. But He did come and He did resurrect from the dead and it's not just written in the bible but its written in history. Before Jesus was crucified he said that He was the light of the world and after His resurrection He then gave it to us saying ...

Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.
  Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. 

So hold your head high, we have a gift. A gift that we must share with those around us. We must show our GOOD deeds for Gods glory. We have to shine, this is still all about saving souls. So be that light, that people may see us in their darkness. We must light to way to the feet of The Lord.

So when your finding it hard to sparkle and life is dimming your glow, just remember who your God is... The making of all things, who can fix all thing. Who sent his Son Jesus to wash away the sins of the world and to bring light into this darkness. Who loves us enough to entrust us to be that light until He returns again. So stand firm, think on these things and be that jewel that sparkles so beautifully no one can resisting it! 

God bless and Sparkle on! 

If you don't already know, I set up a Facebook Page (Crown Jewels 9:16) that is based on this exactly. It's to keep woman like ourselves motivated and inspired! Check it out and Like our page to receive daily verses and up lifting words. ❤

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My time with God.

We always have special time for special people in our lives. Girl time, me time, time with the kids, time with our husbands and family time but what about God? I'm not talking about church either? I live in North Carolina with my husband, far away from Texas where were from. So I don't have my friend time, or family time. I have husband time and when he's at work I have me time. That's when I get to squeeze in my tv shows, clean house, paint my nails and most importantly thats my God time.
This is my favorite time! I put on my Hillsong or Kari Jobe radio and turn up the volume. Seeking his presence daily is my addiction. It's the best feeling in the word! I can read the word, pray, listen to preachings but there's nothing like praise. 

The bible says that God inhabits praise (psalm 22:3) that means that's where he lives. I believe and feel his every time I start to sing. Thats how i know God is real, I feel him. It's very important for our spirit to feel, its part of what keeps our faith strong. When I feel his presence it's peaceful yet overwhelming. I usually cry, laugh or just smile while I sing. It's a kind of release to me. It's freeing. You know that moment everyone desires to feel at some point in there life, where its just you and Him and the whole world fades away, well this is that moment and i get it time and time again through praise. Its beautiful. A form of expression, sometimes I even dance. It's all in how you want to praise him, to lift up his name and just let it comes out. 2 Corinthians 3:17 "Where the spirit of The Lord is there is freedom". I encourage you to take time everyday to enter in his presence, it will change your life! If you have never done it or its just been a long time, find a christian song, sing along if you know the words, lift up your hands and voice and just thank God for his amazing love. Invite him in to where your at, and just be and allow him to move you. God's is waiting for you all the time and he can only get as close to you as you'll let him. 

God bless and I hope this encourages you to seek him more and more. 

This is one of my favorite songs that I use in my God time.. Thought I would share it in case you don't know of any. :) happy worshiping! 
            Hosanna- hillsong united

Monday, April 15, 2013


Now and days it seem like everyone has a chip on there shoulder. So easily angered and annoyed. I to use to be like this. I was always wearing a frown, even now because habit my husband reminds me to smile. I was so angry and so annoyed by the littlest of things. Now that I truly know the Lord, all my anger is gone and past and my patience is getting a whole lot better through prayer and practice. But look at this backward society, people think it's a sign of strength to be angry, hard or have a bad attitude. Constant telling people off or trying to belittle others is a way of showing strength to gain respect, cursing things and people that have crossed them. I see it everywhere. Its almost as if to try to prove something, this is a deeply flawed way of thinking. Anger is a very powerful strength and it is easily triggered, but joy, now that it true power. Have you ever just smiled at someone random, they mostly always smile back. That is all it takes to spread joy, negativity however, takes so much emotion and energy. When you are in a bad situation it's so easy to let it get the best of you. You feel it rising almost as a heat or a fever, but the true strength is in stopping it. Keeping your mindset regardless of your circumstance. Emotions are like waves they come and go, our mindset is a huge rock that shouldn't sway with the crashing of the waves. If we focus on the good, on love, on grace, on how blessed we are, then when these waves hit we will not loose our ground. Being Christian we must be examples of character, not just any character but of godly character. I know that and see that now. We stand on the rock of salvation and no matter the circumstance we should not be shaken. It's killing the fleshly desires to keep Gods desires. It's so easy to snap our tongue and give people an emotional reaction but what good does that do? Then what, back and forth, hurt and hate? It's harder to walk away from these situations then it is to entertain them. Yet knowing what I know now it's makes it all worth it. You see if anyone does me wrong, I know God will make things right for me, I have peace and stand firm on this. I don't waist my energy on a negative attitude. Negativity is a cancerous weight to carry. I choose positivity something that is harder to do but with each time I choose joy, it builds endurance and I am all that stronger for it!

Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

God bless!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A powerful reminder of humanity

I just had to share this.. It almost brought tears to my eyes, maybe its because I admire this star or simply because its true. This is a great example and quote of what humanity is about. No matter how rich or accomplishes we may become we were all equally made in God's love. I think sometimes we need to see things like this to remind ourselves of how blessed we truly are and how we must pass our blessings on to those in need.

I hope this touched your heart as it did mine!
God bless you and don't forget to bless others!

Little black dress!

Hi ladies, so I saw this picture of the dresses and I thought to myself everyone has there own style and we would probably all pick different dresses because of our shape, comfort, personal style and maybe even our age plays a factor. So I made up some names that I think suites each dress best. So my question is what kind of dress are you? There's no psychology behind it just fun! I know what I am, what are you?

A. Business or pleasure
B. Curvalicious
C. Girly-girl
D. Marilyn
E. A little off the top
F. Carrie Bradshaw
G. Show some leg
H. Formal traditional
I. Ballerina
J. Flirty
K. Elvira
L. Forget the dress, this slip will do!
M. Fashionista
N. Cinderella

I'm a B. Curvalicious- every time I buy a dress it is always seems to be form fitting. Some times because my curves it's hard to find anything else that fits by body right. Fits the waist but not the hips, fits the hips, to big at the waist and back and forth. So I find it easiest to get a form fitting dress!

I had lots of fun doing this so I hope you enjoy! Let me know what dress you are!
And as always have a blessed and wonderful day! :)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Make Up 101 - foundation and concealer

So I have seen a handful of make up tutorials but non that give step by step instruction.
The whole point of a tutorial it to give instruction, and while pictures are helpful there's a lot they don't say. So here's what I got! I'm an aesthetician and I love, love, love, make up, so when I see woman struggling in skill, I jump at the opportunity to help. Make up is an art that should be shared, it's really not hard once you know the basics. It's fun and a great way to express yourself daily. So here's the base of it all, foundation and concealer! :)

Step 1. Face prep: Make sure your face is clean. Put on your SPF and moisturizer, If you have a long day ahead you, can choose to use a primer but I just use moisturizer.

2. Foundation: Dab it under your eyes, a little on your nose, chin and forehead.

3. Spread: With a foundation brush, gently spread and blend the foundation make your strokes in a back and forth, almost circular motion. It's not meant to be put all over so don't worry if it doesn't reach all the edges of your face.

4/5. Concealer: Using a concealer brush, dab some concealer under the eyes out to the temple then down to the nostrils and up to the eyes again, like a triangle. Maybe a little on the flat of your chin and anything else that needs a little covering.

6. Spread: You can do it with the brush, but I like the BeautyBlender sponge. Don't drag it but gently dab. Blend over and around where you put concealer till there's no visible lines in difference.

7. Powder: With a powder brush, not the nasty sponge! Brush on the powder in a circular motion all over, don't forget to get up at the hair line.

8. Very Important: Make sure to get your jaw line and neck, blend it all together. Especially for special occasions, otherwise your face looks like its floating in pictures.

9. Check it out: What was once a blotchy canvas should now be a smooth backdrop for everything else.

I hope this is helpful to you! Enjoy!
Also feel free to ask questions or request a certain look that you might want help achieving.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sideways Switch French Braid!

So I started by parting my hair sideways.
Started the braid to that same side.
As I reach the back of the top of my head I turn to the opposite direction
and follow through with the rest of the braid.
There you go, a new twist to an old do!
It's really easy and fast to do!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Want to change your icons? Cocoppa how to.

So I had seen this on Pinterest once but when I opened it they didn't say how they had got it only, look how cute! Cute indeed but how do I get it! My search began, to find out how to change the icons on my iPad or the iPhone. As I searched the world, on google lol! a blog came up that explained it perfectly!
So I thought I would share it! It's called Cocoppa Japanese icon changer. I wasn't able to find it in the App Store. So I looked for it online and was able to open it in the App Store from there. It's very self explanatory or it seemed that way to me. There are icons that you can't change however, it's a bummer but I still looks cute! There is a way to change some of the basic icons like safari, movies, music but I have an iPad so it must not work for it. Anyway this is what my iPad looks like now, super cute! You can make your own icons or pick the ones already made, I did a little of both. Hope this was helpful, have fun!

Oh I almost forgot..

That's the blog I found it on, if you need more help.

Enjoy and God blessings!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

He knitted me together ❤

I'm not skinny, I haven't seen my ribs since I was about 12. And so far all my life I have felt less then perfect. No matter what I do, no matter how hard I work, I have never been satisfied with my physical appearance. Then when I don't try, it just get down right vulgar. The way i see myself that is.

In middle school I thought I was fat. Now when I look at pictures, I see I was so thin. All the popular girls were already developing curves that I didnt have, beats me why I thought I was fat. In high school, is when I lost the size 2 and jump strait into a 7 ,then a 10 then before I knew it I was a 16. Yet I was very active, I was in pep squad, tennis team and the color guard, not to mention everyday after school we would play on the trampoline. So why was I this size? After high school I dropped 5 sizes and its kind of been up and down ever since. Right now I'm on the up. Now that I'm married I wish nothing more then to look and feel great, not only for myself but also for my husband. Yet, since we got married I've only managed to gain weight. I have struggled to look in the mirror sometimes because its not the woman I see in my head. After gaining so much weight I finally went to the doctor. Turns out I "have" subclinical hypothyroidism, that just means its not full blown. While I hear what the doctor is saying and how it's factual because its evident in my blood, I know truth. Truth is God can and is healing me, and of course with me taking action and doing my part to be healthier as well. But it finally hit me, it took me getting diagnosed to realize this is me! I might never wear a 2 or 4, I might always have cellulite and big arms. I have come to realize that I am perfect. Health and physicality always has room for improvement and I will always fight to better my health and stay in shape. But I see now that my biggest problem is not my thighs, its my mind. I must exercise my mind into a more positive driving force.

So, I have accepted this is my shape! I have my moms arms, my grandmas knees, my aunts wide hips, a fluctuating waist line and a big o'booty! Yes this is me and I'm going to love me. I'm turning around all that negative energy and making it positive. I've noticed that the more I fall in love with me, the more I take care of me. So I have now excepted its not about being skinny, being thick or full figured. Its about being in love with how God made me and making sure I take care of the body that he gave me. God loves us all the same no matter our size. He created us each as a masterpiece and now that I think about it, being unhappy with my looks is like telling God his craftsmanship is not good enough for me. and that cant be, after all he did make this beautiful world we live in with those very same hands. Its all just his work of art.

funny thing is my husband likes a thicker woman, so really God planned ahead for me! All this time Ive been hating on my self, when God made me this way to be loved and I am truly blessed to have such a loving man at my side.

So I am learning, to always force myself to be positive when I look in the mirror. To not put down Gods work of art, instead add to it, take what God gave me and make it my own!

Make up, hair styles, working out, eating right, do what you enjoy and what ever makes you feel good, so you can enjoy being you! Don't compare yourself to anyone, just be the best you you can be because your one of a kind! When I finally realized this, it was a great weight off my shoulder.
I hope my story can inspire someone, to take a second look and see your wonderful, God given potential. ❤ God bless!

Psalm 139:13-14
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Slow down...

We all get so tangled up in our daily to do list, we must remember to slow down and enjoy life!

Girl talk!

It's so fun being able to dress up and get ready. I remember playing dress up as a little girl, thinking how I couldn't wait to grow up and do it daily and with real skill. Now that I'm all grown, I realize as much as I enjoy it, it doesn't make me anymore of a woman.

It's important for us to take time out of our crazy lives to spend on ourselves, to me that's my dress up time. Putting on make up, curling my hair, even bubble baths and nail polish. All these thing are precious to me but they don't define me. I don't believe they empower me any, but that the time that I take on myself is actually what lifts me up. It keeps me balanced. When we forget about ourselves we loose track of everything. Giving our selves attention both physically and spiritually is very important. I try to mix the two, when I get dressed I put on my Christian music and sing along. It reminds me that I'm made in Gods image. That I am perfect regardless of what I have on and that's what empowers me.

1 peter 3:3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

When we look good its often because of how we feel inside. We are loved, cherished, needed but mostly because of how we feel about our self and how we see ourselves. Those feeling reflect on our outward appearance. There's no sense in getting all dolled up with a bad attitude or self loathing. No matter how pretty on the outside, no one will want to be around you. I know this from experience. Like the verse above says we should have a gentle and quiet spirit. That should also be towards ourselves. Yet a lot of the times we tend to judge ourself the hardest. Don't let your mind be your worst enemy, see your self through God's loving eyes. Feel good about being you. Curl your hair and blush your cheeks but know that your beauty comes from with in, its something God painted on your soul. No amount of make up or brand of clothes, no stresses in life or circumstances, should hide your inner beauty. Balance yourself out, give yourself time to shine. Whatever you enjoy, do it, smile, be gentle and kind. Show the love you have inside and have fun doing! Keep growing and bettering your inner self, it will show all over you.

Next time you put on your high heels know that they are not what empower us but they do keep pushing us forward. ;)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cute and simple make up brush vase!

Dollar store makes it easy!
First buy a ribbon, a candle stick holder and a vase of your liking.
I chose a short one so I can easily get my brushes.
1. Glue your the candle holder to the center of the bottom of the vase.
Make sure you your candle holder is right side up.
The wide bottom is best for stability.
2. Measure the ribbon around the waist of the vase.
Measure just a little over, cute and glue.
3. Cute a second piece of ribbon about a foot long.
In the middle tie a knot, then tie a bow just like you tie your shoes.
Pull it so the ends are even to each other.
4. Cute one last piece of ribbon cover the center of the bow and glue in place.
Should be a pretty little bow!
Now glue it right over the the crease on the ribbon on your vase.
5. Enjoy easy access to your brushes! Keeps them clean and easy to see!

Monday, March 11, 2013

We Walk on Water!

"Take courage it is I. Don't be afraid" Jesus spoke these words, as he walked on water approaching the boat. The men where so scared but Peter said "Lord if its you, tell me to come to you on the water." Jesus said "come". Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, we became afraid and started to sink "Lord, save me". Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. Then he said " You of little faith, why do you doubt me?

Matthew 14:22-31, this is a lot like our own life. We see and know the Lords power and we ask him to move in our lives, so he does. By doing this we take a step of faith. We get out of the boat and walk on water so to speak. While we take our first few step we are looking at The Lord, all our concentration is on him.
Now I imagine this was not a shallow lake, seeing as how they were fishing with large nets. So imagine with me for a second all that is under the waters surface. Imagine the crashing waves against the rocks. The plants and creatures moving in the darkness. Now on top of that imagine winds blowing, the boat is rocking and your walking on water in the middle of all this with only the moon light to guide you. All these distractions are things in our life, the dangers, the risks, the annoyances, the fears, the sickness, all the obstacles that's surround us daily. And as Peter took his eyes of Jesus, so do we take our eyes of The Lord. We start to focus on all these things that surround us in life and these things begging to take over our focus. We begin to drown. Does this sound familiar? Have you ever felt like your drowning in yours circumstances, I know I have because we do just as Peter did that night. He lost sight of Jesus and started to focus on his surroundings. By doing this we give our circumstances more importance then your God. We try to save our self but end up sinking and calling out to him anyway. So why even loose sight of him in the first place? Keep your focus on God, lets save ourselves the struggle and keep walking on water towards him. The miracle is that we walk above our circumstances because our God is above our circumstances! We need only keep our eyes on him and everything else will fade away. Keeping your eyes on God, gives God the control and lets him know you trust in him to deal with all the details. All we have to do is simply focus on him, have faith, keep walking on water and keep moving forward.

I hope this has been a blessing to you and I thank God for this revaluation in my own life and that I get to share it. God bless you! ❤

Friday, March 8, 2013


I finally started a blog! I have been wanting to do this for some time now, just never got around to it. I'm going to share my ideas, thoughts and talents to with you. I'm 26, married to a handsome man who loves me very much! Of corse I love him just as much! At the moment I am a stay at home army wife, so I have nothing but time.
As you might probably guess from my blog title, I live by faith! I believe that Jesus Christ came down to wash away my sins and the sins of those who choose to accept Him as there savior. So I will be sharing some spiritual insight along with DIY's, beauty tips, health tips and anything else that might be interesting. So I hope you enjoy this little piece of me!

I dedicate this blog to God, who has given me more then I could ever imagine and I would be nothing without Him.
To my mom, who has always inspired me to be the best I can be in all that I put my mind too.
And to my husband for his love and support, without him I would not have the courage to step out and share what God has put In my heart.

Let the fun begin! ❤