Ok I know we all want that summer glow, but lets not forget to make it a healthy glow. While there is speculation of the sun causing skin cancer, I don't believe it's a good enough reason for me to stay out of the sun, although it is a great reason to be more careful. I think of how things were back in biblical time and how everyone lived in the sun, I don't believe Gods intention of the sun was to harm us. In fact our body is strengthened in the sun, it causes us to produce vitamin D which is a vitamin that helps us absorb and metabolize other vitamins and minerals. It also help us fight cancer and other diseases. So it's over all healthy to be in the sun. Unfortunately for us there has been quite a bit of pollution since Moses and that is what I believe has made the rays harmful to us. Our atmosphere is not what it once was. But anyway back to skin care...
There are lots of ways to protect you self from the sun, for me staying out of it is not an option. I love being outside. But the sun can cause dryness in the skin, sun spots and premature aging. That's why I emphasize on a healthy glow. So here are a few tips I know and have come up with to help you enjoy your summer and help out your skin while doing it.
1. Obviously, wear SPF on your face - All sunblocks give you about 80 minutes of protection. The SPF number is the protectant number the higher it is the less it allows the sun in. I think unless its a baby or you have a sun allergy 100 SPF is a bit overboard. You still want the sun to penetrate and allow your body to produce that vitamin D.
2. Wear sun glasses - sunglasses help block the sun from your eyes, so your not squinting. They also help protect that very sensitive tissue around them, so all around preventing crows feet. Wear them!
3. Wear a hat - hats help cover your scalp, forehead and shade the majority to your face. The more shade on your face the longer you remain looking young. Very helpful!
4. When tanning out side still wear SPF - before you shower yourself in tanning oil use SPF as a base especially on your face, neck, décolleté, shoulder, hands, feet and knees. All these areas are know to give away ones age.. Letting it get premature aging or sun damage would be unflattering to yourself.
5. Protect your feet - not only will you get unsightly sandal tan but when you are tanning on your stomach, the bottoms of your feet are exposed to sunlight and are usually not protected. Yes they can get sunburned and Im telling you from experience, walking on sunburned feet is no fun at all. Put a towel over them or put your sandals back on at that point.
6. Don't forget your about your hair - while its sexy to have your hair down at the beach and pool the wind, sand and chlorine do take a toll on it, it's good to always have a smoothing oil, leave in conditioner or detangling spray handy to lessen the blow.
7. Stay hydrated - most of the time you have so much lotion and oil on you don't realize how much you actually sweat while out in the sun, even if your just tanning. Keeping you body hydrated keeps your skin healthy and young.
8. Limit yourself - if your light skinned like me your probably not going to go from pasty to brazil in one day. You'll most likely end up like a lobster. Take in the sun in moderation. Just like when using tanning beds start off with just a little and work your way up. 15 minutes each side, then 20 and so on..
9. Moisturize - when exercising a tanning routine it important to have a moisturizing regiment. You will never get a healthy glow if its all heat, you need to put back into your skin.
10. Take your vitamins - it's important to understand that a tan although it looks great takes a toll on your skin. Your skin is the largest origin of the body and also the last to get nutrients. A tan in not color magic, your skin is actually protecting itself from the sun. Doing this takes energy and our bodies energy comes from our nutrition.. Don't a can of red bull. ;)
Well I hope this will help you be a little more aware of your skins health, as you start your summer routine.
I know these have all helped me.
Have fun in the sun, God bless and Glow on! ☀