Life is full of curves, ups, downs and loops. While sometimes it's scary not knowing what's next, it's important to not stress it. You never know what is coming, so don't bother worrying about it or trying to plan to much ahead. After all as the saying goes, we plan and God laughs.
Just like a ride all the twists and turns, keep us on the edge of our seats. Life is easiest when we find the excitement in this, rather then if we tense up always expecting the worst. When things are bad for me, I thank God, I might cry but I also laugh. I know God has allowed whatever is happening in my life to happen for a reason and that reason is good. (Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.) I know in this season He has planned for me to learn something new. So yes, I laugh, I know God will pull me through. The sooner I learn the lesson the sooner I will be out. If I was fearful, anxious, worried or hateful then my emotions would be to busy to see what it is God is showing me. I would be stuck in the season longer then what He had planned for me to be. Sometimes that happens to us because we are not listening to God but to our mind and emotions instead. (Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.) if we are to busy fearing we are not acknowledging His presence in our circumstance. So He can not guide us in the right direction or show us the exit to our circumstance. We end up stuck. When you realize that all God wants is your trust, life becomes a lot easier. No matter the situation, trust in Him and you will soon see it pass. Know with all your heart that God loves you. What you are going through is not a reflection of His love for you but a time for you to reflect your faith in Him. Never doubt in His way of working, it's to complex for our minds to comprehend but it is always for our good and for His glory. So with that being said, I will finish with this... (Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.) Be attentive to the voice of God and have faith. He loves you and He wants you to be prosperous. So fear not and enjoy the ride!
Don't stress, God bless! ❤
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