Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My time with God.

We always have special time for special people in our lives. Girl time, me time, time with the kids, time with our husbands and family time but what about God? I'm not talking about church either? I live in North Carolina with my husband, far away from Texas where were from. So I don't have my friend time, or family time. I have husband time and when he's at work I have me time. That's when I get to squeeze in my tv shows, clean house, paint my nails and most importantly thats my God time.
This is my favorite time! I put on my Hillsong or Kari Jobe radio and turn up the volume. Seeking his presence daily is my addiction. It's the best feeling in the word! I can read the word, pray, listen to preachings but there's nothing like praise. 

The bible says that God inhabits praise (psalm 22:3) that means that's where he lives. I believe and feel his every time I start to sing. Thats how i know God is real, I feel him. It's very important for our spirit to feel, its part of what keeps our faith strong. When I feel his presence it's peaceful yet overwhelming. I usually cry, laugh or just smile while I sing. It's a kind of release to me. It's freeing. You know that moment everyone desires to feel at some point in there life, where its just you and Him and the whole world fades away, well this is that moment and i get it time and time again through praise. Its beautiful. A form of expression, sometimes I even dance. It's all in how you want to praise him, to lift up his name and just let it comes out. 2 Corinthians 3:17 "Where the spirit of The Lord is there is freedom". I encourage you to take time everyday to enter in his presence, it will change your life! If you have never done it or its just been a long time, find a christian song, sing along if you know the words, lift up your hands and voice and just thank God for his amazing love. Invite him in to where your at, and just be and allow him to move you. God's is waiting for you all the time and he can only get as close to you as you'll let him. 

God bless and I hope this encourages you to seek him more and more. 

This is one of my favorite songs that I use in my God time.. Thought I would share it in case you don't know of any. :) happy worshiping! 
            Hosanna- hillsong united

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